The reservation percentage indicates the percentage that a valid reservation is registered for a location. You can compare this result against the actual occupancy of that location.
Reservation calculation
The calculation of the reservation percentage is as follows:
• Reservations are measured by the number of minutes in an hour for which a valid reservation is linked to a location.
• This number is divided by the number of minutes available in the office calendar within the time frame.
| Including only valid measurements ensures that the focus remains on actual reservations and that it is possible to compare data over time. |
Reservations | | | | |
Minutes of valid reservations / Minutes available in time slot | 40 / 60 | * 100 | = | 66,67% |
Graphically, this is depicted as follows:
The X-axis shows the time slots.
The Y-axis shows the time-occupancy and reservation percentages.
By selecting a single workspace, you can start at the top level of data aggregation: a single year.
By clicking in the chart area, you can zoom in to display details: year > month > days > hours (xx:00 – xx:59)
Here, the annual occupancy exceeds the reservations, which indicates that the location has been used without being reserved.