Core TSIs : Agile Workplace Management : About Agile Workplace Management
About Agile Workplace Management
This document
The features described here apply to Agile Workplace Management. However, to a large extend, these features overlap with Planon Workplace Insights. Hence, where applicable, the current document applies to both.
Agile Workplace Management (AWM)
Agile Workplace Management enables you to measure the actual occupancy and environmental variables of workspaces, meeting rooms, in general referred to as locations in this document. Measuring the occupancy of locations serves a twofold purpose:
Enabling your staff to find available locations (a workspace, meeting room) based on real-time occupancy data.
Enabling business intelligence analyses of locations (are there sufficient locations available, are the locations sufficiently large to accommodate staff). This will allow your organization to improve efficiency in location supply.
Agile Workplace Management consists of a set of components that collaborate dynamically:
Sensoring system: A set of measurement devices providing real-time sensor data displaying the actual location occupancy. Sensors can be any kind of measurement equipment, see also Sensors.
Data engine: Agile Workplace Management module receiving occupancy data from the sensoring system and providing it to Planon Software Suite.
Connector: A reference to the Sensoring System web service (Planon managed) or Platform app (Custom managed) that provides sensor data to the data engine system. The connector is an interface between the sensoring system and the data engine system.
The following image depicts the AWM components and how they interact.
Schematic overview of the interaction between the 'Sensoring system' and the 'Data engine' with the 'Connector' in between. The sensor data flows from the sensoring system via the connector to agile workplace management.Schematic overview of the interaction between the 'Sensoring system' and the 'Data engine' with the 'Connector' in between. The sensor data flows from the sensoring system via the connector to agile workplace management.
•    The term location in this document refers to a location to which a measurement point is linked.
•    The Planon application does not process data of individual sensors, but it expects the Sensoring system to accumulate this data on location level. Therefore, a measurement point in the Planon application represents a location and not an individual sensor.
•    For a more detailed description of the architecture, see AWM Technical Reference.