Technical references : Administration : Configuring the login language
Configuring the login language
When logging on to the application, the login screen is displayed to the user. Typically, this is displayed in the language of the server's locale. If required, you can configure the language that is initially displayed in the login screen.
This is only possible for on-premise installations.
1. In Windows explorer, go to the following location in your installation folder: ../server/tanuki/webserver/conf.
2. Open tomcat-wrapper-default.conf in a text editor and locate the # Java Additional Parameters section.
3. Add the following parameters (and increment the sequence number):
You can change the language and country as required. For a list of locales, see . By using this configuration, you are setting the default locale.
The effect of this setting is that during login, the language configured here will be displayed to the user.
4. Restart the server to make your changes effective.
The login screen appears in the configured language. Once logged on, you will see the application in the language that is configured for you.