Core TSIs : Activity planner : Field descriptions : Standard activity definition fields
Standard activity definition fields
Enter a code for the standard activity definition.
Enter a description of the activity definition.
Enter relevant comments, if any.
Service agreement service
If relevant, select a service that belongs to a service agreement (Service Providers solution) and apply it to the activity definition.
Standard Service plan
Select a relevant standard service plan.
*Only Standard service plans with Activity service plan?set to Yes can be selected.
Specify the required number.
Unit of measurement
Select an unit of measurement, that is the dimension required.
Overruled by
If you linked several activity definitions to the same asset, which include equivalent work (activities), but which have a different schedule, it is possible to let the activities of the selected activity definition be overruled (for a specific period) by activities of another activity definition. You can select an overruling activity definition in this field.
Period of overruling schedule
Specify a period of time to be deducted from the start date-time and added to the end date-time of the selected activity definition, to define a period within which the overruling activity definition is valid.
User-defined activity definition
Select a relevant user-defined activity definition.
*Only UDBOs of activity definitions are displayed.
Activity definition group
Select the relevant activity definition group used for clustering orders.
Activity type
Enter the type of activity that applies to the activities generated from an activity definition.
Assessment definition
Select a relevant assessment definition in this field.
User-definable classification
Select a user-definable classification.
Asset classification
Select an asset classification.
Standard order
Select a relevant standard maintenance order. This field must be completed to generate orders.
Order group
Select an order group. This field must be completed to generate orders.
If relevant, select a trade. The selected trade is applied when generating orders.
Clustering allowed?
Select the relevant option whether or not the activities that are generated from this activity definition can be clustered or not.
Maintenance library
Select the relevant maintenance library from the list.
Apply product requisition process?
Click Yes in the Apply product requisition process field, if you want to apply the formal process. When adding material costs, select the product that you require.
Budget definition
Select a budget definition. The budget definitions specified in Supporting data are displayed.
Suppress first activity?
The decision on whether to generate the first planned activity should be made either at the outset of the planning details or after completing the initial cycle.