Expected costs
Expected costs are the total costs for planned activities during a specific cost overview period. The flowing are the two types of expected costs.
Short-term costs (monthly)
Long-term, expected costs (annual)
Short-term costs are usually calculated monthly, while long-term costs are calculated yearly. The total costs are the sum of all expenses incurred during a specific period. The cost overview period refers to the time frame in which the costs are being analyzed and evaluated.
*In Field definer , in the Activity definition settings dialog box, you can define the time period for the fields Number of months for short-term cost overview and Number of years for long-term cost overview. The maximum number of months in the short-term cost overview is 60 months and the maximum number of years for the long-term cost overview is 50 years. To avoid unnecessary disk space usage, only generate costs for the period you require, instead of generating costs for a longer period.