Application management : Accounts : User group : User : User settings : Clearing forgotten password attempts
Clearing forgotten password attempts
If a user has forgotten his/her password and the account is locked, the Planon application manager can reset the number of forgotten password attempts.
For this functionality to work, the following configuration must be in place.
1. In System Settings > Security, enable the Forgot password functionality.
2. In Layouts > Users (Accounts) add the No. of attempts forgotten password field and the Clear forgotten password attempts action.
When the user has forgotten their password and has requested a new password 3 times, the system administrator can clear the number of attempts as follows.
1. Go to User groups > User groups details > Users.
2. Select the user account.
3. On the action panel, click Clear forgotten password attempts.
This option will only be enabled if there is a value in the No. of attempts forgotten password field.
The No. of attempts forgotten password field will be reset and the user will be able to use the Forgot password? option again.
For more information on the No. of attempts forgotten password field, see User fields.