Application management : Accounts : Field descriptions : Solution license fields
Solution license fields
The code of the license.
The license name.
The number of users linked to the license.
Number of licenses
The number of available licenses (in total) for this license.
User group detail
Displays the user groups that have been linked to the license.
Allows you to specify a percentage based threshold.
When setting a threshold and the number of users vs the number of licenses becomes greater than the allowed threshold percentage, the Threshold reached? field will be set to Yes.
Conversely, when the number of users vs number of licenses becomes less than the threshold percentage, the Threshold reached? field will be set to No.
Threshold reached?
Indicates whether the percentage based threshold is reached (Yes) or not (No).
It is possible to create an alert on the status of this field. This will allow system administrators to be updated when the threshold is reached so steps can be taken to obtain more licenses or change the configuration where needed.