Application management : Accounts : User group : Product definitions : How product definitions work
How product definitions work
The following examples show the effect of linking user groups to products definitions (or vice versa).
Product definitions enable access to products. By linking user groups to product definitions (or vice versa), you can therefore determine who can access a specific product.
Restrictive access
The following example illustrates that users are restricted to accessing products to whom their user groups are allowed access.
Overview of a user linked to two user groups and only one is linked to a product definition.Overview of a user linked to two user groups and only one is linked to a product definition.
User 1 is linked to two user groups.
One user group is not linked to any product definition; users exclusively linked this user group have access to all products.
However, because user 1 is also linked to the first user group that is linked to product definition (green), the user only has access to product green.
Extended access
The following example displays how linking a user to different user groups extends access to the products of those user groups.
Overview of a user linked to two user groups and two product definitions.Overview of a user linked to two user groups and two product definitions.
User 2 is linked to two user groups.
User group 1 is linked to product definition (green), and user group 2 is linked to product definition (orange).
This user can access products green and orange.
All access
This example illustrates that if no user group is linked to a product definition, a user linked to such a user group can access ALL products.
This situation does not apply to WebDAV product definitions. When using OpenID connect authentication, you must explicitely link a user (group) to a WebDAV product definition, or users cannot access the WebDAV location!
Overview of a user linked to one user group and no product definitions.Overview of a user linked to one user group and no product definitions.
User 3 is linked to the third user group, which is not linked to any product definition.
User 3 may therefore access all available products.